Last updated on 07/25/2024
Personal Information:
- Email Address:
- Phone: (774) 222-5439
- Twitter: @lanagan_quinn25
Academic Information:
- Type of School: High School
- Name of School: Xaverian Brothers High School
- Grad Year: 2025
- City: Westwood
- State: MA
- GPA: 4.0
Athletic Information:
- Committed: Uncommitted
- Height: 6' 2"
- Weight: 180
- 60 time: 7.2
- 10 Yards split: 1.76
- Exit Velo: 96
Coaches Information:
- Chris Welch
- Email:
- Phone: 7818312482
17U Northeast takes game 1 of the @PBRNewEnglandT New England Classic with a win over Nor’easters 17U Regional
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) July 12, 2024
Maiocca: 2-3, 2RBI, 3B
Devine: HR, 1-3, 3RBI
Evans: 2-2, RBI
Morse: 1-1, 2RBI
Deshiro: 2-3, RBI
Lanagan: 1-2, 2B
Cattoggio: 1-2@CoachWelchRBI #GBG #GBGNortheast
17U NE remains undefeated in the @PerfectGameUSA NE WWBA with the W over Team Boston
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) June 25, 2024
Pagano: 12 up/12 down in a dominant 4IP for the W
Hasenfus: 2.2IP, H, 2K, 0R
Fitzpatrick: 2-3, R
Morse (RBI), Lanagan (2RBI), Wenstrom (RBI), Cattoggio (RBI), Devine. Marzelli all with a hit
17U Northeast battles to a 0-0 tie to open the PG WWBA New Englands.
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) June 21, 2024
Rhodes: 4IP, 0R, 3H, T
Gordon: 3IP, 0H, 4K
Lanagan: H
Maiocca: H, 2BB
Marzelli: H@CoachWelchRBI #GBGNortheast #GBG
17U NE with the 6-5 win in Game 2
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) June 21, 2024
Jackson Morse (George Mason) walks it off with his 3rd hit of day to cap the comeback!
🐍 Ritchie 🐍 : Win
Hasenfus: 3IP, 0R, 3K
Wenstrom: IP, K
Maiocca: H, 2B, 2R, RBI
Daley: H, RBI
Devine: 3B, RBI
Marzelli: H, RBI
Lanagan: H
Fitzpatrick: H
17U Northeast earns a 7-2 win over MWS Devils 17U in the PBR New England Classic!
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) July 14, 2024
Pagano: W, 4IP, 0R
Cattoggio: 3-4, 3RBI, 3B
Maiocca: 2-3, 3R, 2B
Evans: 2-3, 2B
Devine: 1-2, RBI
Daley: RBI
Lanagan: 1-4
Deshiro (Merrimack): reached on error@CoachWelchRBI #GBG #GBGNortheast
17U NE w/a big Win in game 1 of the @PBRTournaments 17U Playoffs over Dirtbag All Blacks
— GBG Northeast Hawks (@GBG_Hawks) July 22, 2024
Ritchie (5IP, R, 6K) & Wenstrom (3IP, H, 4K) w/huge outings on the mound
Cattoggio: 2-4, RBI (video)
Fitzpatrick: 1-2, RBI
Marzelli, Daley, Lanagan with huge plays on Defense at end for W