Baseball IQ
PISTV – VLOG 53 – Baseball IQ
Look around the next game or tournament or showcase you attend. Look closely. If you’re paying attention you’ll probably begin seeing a lot of kids that look pretty similar. Sure, they may be shaped a little different. Some are little faster or slower. But at the end of the day an overwhelming majority are very similar.
So where do the differences come from?
What are the little things that separate 1 prospect from another?
Hustle? Sure. That helps. But lots of kids hustle.
I’m going to give you the secret… BASEBALL IQ
Baseball IQ is the secret weapon that separates otherwise equal players.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid seem to always be in the right place defensively.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid know when to throw the ball or not throw the ball.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid know when to take an extra bag on a missed cut.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid read dirt ball so soon that he’s standing on 2B without a throw from the catcher.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid full arm fake then pick back side on an aggressive runner.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid not panic on a dribbler on the line that eventually rolls foul.
Baseball IQ is what lets that kid delay steal on a catcher & middle infielders that are not paying attention.
If you want to be known as the kid that is always in the right spot or always seems to know what to do then you need to work on your Baseball IQ.
Keep your eyes open. Always. You must pay attention and learn from every play. You must store that information for later use. Some plays happen once a season. Baseball IQ will have you ready!
How do you hack the system to improve your Baseball IQ? Watch baseball. Watch lots of baseball. But don’t just watch it. Pay attention to it.
I’m curious, what is the smartest baseball play you’ve seen or been a part of? Use the comment section below to share your best play.
As always…
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