Challenging Popular Beliefs
#PISTV – Episode 47 – Challenging Popular Beliefs
I love the nostalgia of baseball. I love the routine. I love the superstition.
But every once in a while even the most nostalgic baseball old schooler realizes that there is a new way of looking at things.
Remember when everyone preached to have a “level swing” or even to swing down? Yeah, we know better now.
#PISTV discusses what might be the most controversial topic to date!
I believe that there may need to be a discussion in the near future to consider moving college baseball to the fall.
Crazy!!! I know.
But consider this…
The percentage of games played in Feb & Mar…
- MLB: 0%
- NCAA D1: 45%
- NCAA D3: 65%
The percentage of games played in Aug, Sept & Oct…
- MLB: 33%
- NCAA D1: 0%
- NCAA D3: 0%
Combine those numbers with the general state of weather across the country during those same months and suddenly there seems to be something inside of me that thinks fall baseball isn’t so crazy after all.
Feel free to leave me your thoughts in the comment section below.
As always…
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